This month’s idea to help you find inspiration, get creative, break out of a creative slump or to stop procrastinating.
Create a sketch journal for a week or the whole month – Choose a week this month or maybe just a 'Thursday' each week this month and just sketch. Find a small sketchbook, don’t make it too big as all that white page can be daunting. Sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and just sketch. Doodle if you need to. Perhaps Draw something in front of you. Set up a little still life if that’s not too scary. Maybe start the day writing what you need to do today and then doodling some little images to go along with it. Those feeling brave may like to sketch things during the day, carry your sketchbook with you. Or how about on the evening, sketch what happened and reflect back on the day.
If you've been inspired by the suggestion then let me know.
If you have your own ideas then share them either directly with me or via the Student Chatroom