1. Drawing tutorial
This month’s tutorial is all about Drawing Ellipses and continues my Drawing essentials series. Watch the video https://youtu.be/qZ31lyBLgLQnow
2. Exhibitions, courses and things to see If you didn’t catch the live stream of the Natural History Museum, with Jackie Morris and Spell Songs concert in aid of the Urban nature project, then watch it now on YouTube. 3. Materials This one is a sneaky plug! But if you haven’t seen my Super short videos that I released in April using my Xcut Xpress to ‘Print and Reveal’ drypoint etchings and a lino print then you weren’t one of the 2 thousand people that viewed my video! The YouTube algorithm went awry and there was my 15 minutes of fame! But they are a sneaky peek into what I’ve been up to at home recently. Drypoint print reveal Lino print reveal Drypoint & mono print reveal 4. 7 days of sketching This month’s 7 days of sketching are all linked to May’s National pet month; 1 Cat 2 Dog 3 Fish 4 Rabbit 5 Lizard 6 Hamster 7 Parrot (yes, I agree....I was being a bit lazy this month!) Don’t forget to submit your response to the prompts on the Student Chatroom/Art prompts to be in with a chance to win this month’s Artwork set below. Please make sure you title your post with Art prompt. WIN

This month’s Artwork prize is an A4 jigsaw lino print of Poppy seeds and a set of 4 Seaweed postcards.
I can’t wait to see what you produce this month.