This month’s idea to help you find inspiration, get creative, break out of a creative slump or to stop procrastinating.
Choose a favourite colour – Easy. Find all your different media out and choose your favourite colour. Just start sketching, doodling, painting and mark-making with one colour. Are all your media the same colour or variations? Can you create lighter and darker tones from these colours? Explore and experiment. You could also choose an image or still life to draw and paint but limit yourself to just one colour. Work in black and water down the colour to create greys. Choose to work in blues and look at the variety of blues you have. Do they work together? Are some red-biased such as a French Ultramarine or green-biased such as cyan? See what happens when you use other colours.

Check out my free tutorials for lots of colour mixing exercises. Free Art Courses
If you've been inspired by the suggestion then let me know.
If you have your own ideas then share them either directly with me or via the Student Chatroom