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Life Drawing Parties!

Tricia Johnson

As you may know I have been running Life Drawing workshops in West Worthing. This originally came about after students on a couple of my Drawing and Painting courses had wanted to try life drawing in class. After a couple of 2 hour sessions here and there, and at times a logistical nightmare with the local Adult Education provider.

I then tired running a day workshop myself, privately for students. This was a great success and it developed from there. I still only run workshops every 2 months during the year (which I’ve been doing for about 4 years now). From this bi-monthly event I get a regular turnout and manage to pay myself a wage. This hasn’t been the case until last year, it took some perseverance!

A couple of years ago I started to work for a company who provides life drawing sessions for Hen Parties (Hens with Pens). They offer 2 types of events; Bare bones, an untutored model lead party and Full Monty, a tutor lead session. The Tutor lead session starts with a 30 minute drawing lesson, the model is then introduced to the group and then there is an hour of life drawing. Each party is a little different as those attending have differing expectations. Some want to try life drawing as a fun activity with a group of friends, others are after a ‘Hen party’ experience. It’s the job of the tutor and model to facilitate this in the bounds of a ‘life drawing’ session.

I have also just started working for a company named Bufflers which is quite a similar (and different type of company). They offer lots of different party events, Life drawing being just one of them. My first session with them was this weekend. The event was lots of fun, with everyone having a great time sketching, some for the first time! Tutor and Model arrive at the same time and this session was for an hour and a half in total. Although you can request longer sessions. In my opinion 60 – 90 minutes is enough for a party, bearing in mind some guests might not be that arty. This weekend’s session included a guest who had an art degree, through to one who hadn’t drawn since primary school. Everyone gave it a good go, although not always quite so flattering for the model!

These events are great for fun 'Hen parties', with lots of giggles and suitable for all Hen party goers. I’m not sure my teaching skills are stretched during these events, but they are fun and some guests do usually have a genuine interest in drawing. So it's great to have the opportunity to encourage drawing.....wherever there's interest!

Blog you later……

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