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Reduction Lino printing

Tricia Johnson

I joined the Reduction lino printing workshop with Ian Phillips at Handprinted in Bognor Regis. This was a two day printing workshop (Saturday and Sunday) 10am to 4 pm.

Here is a quick overview of the weekend.

The day started with a short introduction and Ian looking through our ideas (some of you may have seen my sketchbook in class).

Once my idea was sketched to the right size it was transferred onto tracing paper and then onto the lino block. (A4 –ish size)

Then the process of planning and cutting away began.

Ian brought Hawthorn Inks to use and I printed onto 3 sheets of Reeves and 2 sheets of Somerset Satin.

As this was a reduction print each layer is cut away to show the last colour that was printed. So… no mistakes as you slowly, layer by layer cut away your lino block.

Layer 1 printed and layer 2 cut

Layer 3 and 4 cut and printed

The completed set:

Four layer reduction with a little variation on each one!

Lots of fun and quite impressed. Now I'm inspired to work bigger.

Blog you later...........


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