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July's Art Prompts

Tricia Johnson

1. with more of us coming out of lockdown, it’s good to remember that there are still some people self isolating or just keeping themselves at home and safe. Many of us have learnt new ways to communicate (my mom is still as un-proficient with video apps as ever!), but I know that many of my students have learnt to get online with family and with me!

But a good old fashioned, written, communique is always a welcome sight. The Royal Academy has lots of beautiful cards of famous artworks for sale (

But why not make your own cards and send them out.

So July’s first prompt is send your own work of art. Paint a small picture (standard UK letter size; 24 x 16.5 cm or 9.5” x 6.5”) or paint your own card/postcard to send to a friend.

2. Try your hand at Instagram poetry & art. For those who haven’t ventured as far as Instagram you can skip this prompt and move onto number 3!

But for those of you that are regular users of Instagram then take a look at artists such as;

All write and illustrate poems that they post on Instagram. Why not give it a go yourself. The Typewriter Daily uses their sketchbook and just takes a photo and posts. Easy. Post a poem and image each week through July.

3. With our continuing new found freedom let’s try a little sketching outdoors. If you haven’t been taking your sketchbook out and about with you on your daily walks then now is the time to start. July is the perfect time to get out with your sketchbook, find a nice place to sit for 20 minutes and sketch.

Take a look at my blog post about sketching En plein air and the kit I take out with me.

Also see my new blog post video of me sketching at Elmer beach!

4. Find a competition or event to work towards. Set a goal to boost your motivation. At the moment I find I’m having peaks and troughs in my motivation. One week I’m really keen on a project the next week I’ve lost interest. Last month I suggested that you enter A letter in mind exhibition.

If this isn’t for you, join up with a friend and agree to send each other a piece of work (see prompt 1). You could enrol on a course or book a tutorial to keep you motivated. Post your responses to the monthly prompts on the Chatroom. Everyone can have a lull, but don’t let it set in!

Don’t forget to share what you have done for each of the art prompts on the Student chatroom!


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