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January Art Prompts 2021

Tricia Johnson

1. Drawing tutorial This month’s drawing tutorial is the first in a series of monthly videos, to get you started I will run through the different grades of graphite pencil and which ones to use. You can view the tutorial here.

2. Exhibitions, courses and things to see To start the year (and if like me it’s going to be hard to visit an exhibition for a while!) how about trying the Royal Academy Great Art Quiz of 2020!

Let me know how well you do.

(I got 10 out of 12…so a little bit more attention needed this year.)

3. Materials How to trace an image. This is such a simple skill to use. Either when you want to practise a painting skill and just need to use an image to work on; transfer your sketch across onto a more suitable support (paper/canvas) for your chosen medium.

4. 7 days of sketching This month’s 7 days of sketching is based (of course) on the New Year.

1. Start

2. Dusk

3. Dawn

4. New

5. Hibernate

6. Wait

7. Leftover

Don’t forget to submit your 7 sketches on the Student Chatroom to win the Artwork set.

I can’t wait to see what you produce this month. Winner will be selected at random from all 7 days of sketching entries during January 2021.



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