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Gelli plate Thank you cards

Tricia Johnson

So the lovely MrStu gave me a Gelli plate printing kit for Christmas, some Gelato water-soluble crayons and some Faber-Castell Watercolour Pencils.

As I had been given some lovely gifts from my wonderful students I set about making Thank you cards.....

After unpacking the kit I used Acrylic paint on the Gelli plate and rolled an even covering.

I then impressed, scored and lifted out different textures and patterns.

I impressed feathers onto the plate and took negative prints.

I also printed over these negatives with further layers of textured prints.

I ended up with a collection of printed feathers and cards.

I then combined the printed cards and feather elements into my finished Thank you cards with a little Gelato embellishments.

Here are a couple of videos of the print reveal!

Blog you later.......


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